Interesting facts about PEMF therapy

Relieve Neck Pain with PEMF Therapy: A Natural and Effective Approach
Discover how PEMF therapy can provide natural and effective relief for neck pain, helping you enjoy a pain-free and revitalized life.

Frequency, Intensity and Waveforms
Pulsed magnetic fields have 3 main components: Frequency, Intensity and Waveform.

How important is cell tension for our health?
Unlock the secret to optimal health & longevity with PEMF therapy. Discover how PEMF systems recharge your cells’ energy levels.

How NASA Research Supports PEMF Therapy
Uncover NASA’s findings on PEMF therapy for better health. Learn how Earth’s magnetic fields affect overall well-being & prevent disease through PEMF therapy.

pemf therapy helps you lose weight
Top 7 ways the iMRS prime and iGUIDE obesity settings help you lose weight.

Comparison Low Intensities VS High Intensities – Why More is NOT Better
Expose the myths & lies of high-intensity magnetic therapy devices (PEMF systems). Learn about the homeopathic approach to PEMF therapy for safe & effective healing.

Brainwave Stimulation
Brainwave stimulation has been an integral part of mental training concepts for many years.

How do you get the best results from a PEMF therapy application?
Helpful tips on how to get the most out of your magnetic field application.

What do you feel during a PEMF treatment?
Many users feel a slight tingling or warmth, others don’t feel anything at all.

Applications and studies of PEMF therapy
More than 10,000 scientific articles have been published on the effects of PEMF. Here are some of these studies.