Frequency, Intensity and Waveforms

Pulsed magnetic fields have 3 main components: Frequency, Intensity and Waveform.


The rate at which an oscillation changes is called frequency. Oscillations travel in waves. The distance from one wave peak to the next is called a cycle. A cycle contains both a positive peak (above the zero line) and a negative peak. The unit of this cycle is 1 Hz = one Hertz (in honor of Heinrich Hertz, the 19th century German physicist who discovered electromagnetic waves for the invention of radio). A frequency of 25 Hz corresponds to 25 oscillations (cycles) per second. Sine waves are a type of oscillation used to transfer energy within a given medium; the more oscillations per second, the greater the energy transfer per second. Most of us are familiar with light energy and light waves, also known as photons. However, visible light is only a very small part of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Similarly, sound or sound waves are only a small fraction of the total sound spectrum, and the human ear is only able to detect and respond to a very small spectrum in this range.

Regarding the application of bioelectromagnetic signals, it can be said that the higher the frequency, the more energy is introduced into the body. However, if we understand Ross Adey’s principle of the “biological window”, we also know that each individual cell in the body (just like the human eye or ear) only gives a positive response to a very specific, very narrow frequency spectrum.

Most manufacturers of specific magnetic field systems focus on high intensities (flux densities) and higher frequency ranges. The designers of the iMRS prime and Omnium1 systems understand that holistic energy medicine does not work this way. Their systems use natural frequency ranges as well as low intensities similar to the earth’s magnetic field, all within the biological window. Less is more. And it is nature that teaches us which frequencies are healthy and which ones support health and wellness for the best possible effect. The human body has many natural frequency patterns. These include the heartbeat, spinal cord flow, respiratory rhythms, and the electromagnetic rhythms of the human brain. John Zimermann, PHD of the University of Colorado documented that the frequency of a “hand applicator” during its work emits an electromagnetic frequency between 7 and 8 Hz. The so-called Schumann frequencies or Schumann resonances produced in the Earth’s ionosphere have a carrier frequency of exactly 7.83 Hz. The alpha waves in our brain are not only very similar to the Schumann waves, they are graphically almost identical.

Just as cells and cell assemblies can be stimulated chemically (nutritional supplements or drugs) to undergo certain processes and changes, they can also be stimulated “energetically” with electromagnetic waves. In fact, certain processes can be set in motion even better and more effectively in an energetic way. This is exactly where the iMRS prime and Omnium1 systems come in. They deliver precisely defined frequency bundles to all 75 billion cells in the body, simultaneously and at the speed of light. The healthy frequency range of electromagnetic waves is well known. They are also called “biological windows”. As long as you use frequencies that are within this range, they will trigger numerous positive cellular effects, including better absorption of nutrients, removal of waste products from inside the cell, and overall improved cellular function. All of this occurs during an application with an iMRS prime or Omnium1 system. A good example to illustrate this is to compare it to sound or audio frequencies: Some are uncomfortable when they are too loud, while others are too quiet to hear. It is the same with electromagnetic waves: There are pleasant, effective frequencies and, on the other hand, very unpleasant, disturbing, “loud” and intense frequencies, which we also know as “electrosmog”.

The whole body applicator of an iMRS prime or Omnium1 system consists of 3 pairs of copper coils with different numbers of turns to almost perfectly mimic the natural frequencies and intensities of the earth’s magnetic field. It is these frequencies and intensities that have a very harmonious relationship with health and well-being.


Magnetic field intensity (also called amplitude or flux density) is a quantitative description of an electromagnetic field that depends on the voltage flux and direction. Electromagnetic intensity is commonly referred to as flux density and is expressed in units of Tesla (named after Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-born American scientist who became world famous in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for his many inventions in the fields of electricity and magnetism).

The components that produce the flux density (amplitude) of a magnetic field are the wire length of the coils, the number of turns, and the current (amps) applied to the coil. Together with the induction constant and the resistivity of the material, the flux density (magnetic field strength) can be calculated. Diagnostic systems, such as a magnetic resonance imaging scanner, generate field strengths in the Tesla range (approximately 1.5-3 Tesla). The following is a brief overview of the units:

  • 1 T = 1 000 mT (milli-Tesla)
  • 1 mT = 1 000 µT (micro-Tesla)
  • 1 microT = 1 000 nT (nano-Tesla)
  • 1 nT = 1 000 pT (pico-Tesla)

“Gauss” is a unit of magnetic flux density that is still used as a valid unit in some countries. 1 Gauss = 100 microTesla. The electromagnetic flux density of iMRS prime systems or Omnium1 systems describes ranges that are on average about 10.00 – 1 million times weaker than medically approved therapies such as TMS = Transcranial Magnetic Field Stimulation and diagnostic systems such as magnetic resonance imaging. iMRS prime systems or Omnium1 systems use extremely low magnetic field intensities. Very low flux densities are sufficient to induce positive biological resonance phenomena at the cell membrane.

This is based on the principle of the “biological window”, a scientific study developed by Dr. Ross Adey. Dr. Adey discovered that there is a very specific range of electromagnetic frequencies within which the body’s cells respond with resonance effects, helping to reduce stress, improve oxygen transport and overall well-being. This principle can also be applied to field strength or flux density. Here, too, there is a biological resonance window that can trigger numerous positive effects. The scientific work of Goodman and Blank also demonstrates these biological windows in relation to field strength. They found that human cells readily release the cell-protective gene, heat shock protein 70, when exposed to an electromagnetic field strength of 7-8 microTesla. This effect is no longer observed at higher field strengths above 70 microTesla. The “mother tongue” of the human cell from an electromagnetic point of view is therefore rather a soft and pleasant “whisper”.

All modern magnetic field therapy systems, such as the iMRS prime systems or Omnium1 systems, are equipped with this “mother tongue” and use very low flux densities within a precisely defined frequency spectrum to communicate most effectively with our body cells within this oft-cited “biological window”. The result is the best possible wellness effect on every single cell membrane within the organism.



A wave is a turbulence in space that transfers energy from one point to another. For those of you who have studied a little physics or algebra, you probably remember the graphical representation of a sine wave. Mathematically, sine waves can be drawn on a coordinate system consisting of X and Y axes. The Y axis represents both positive and negative values. A sine wave varies cyclically on both sides of the Y-axis and is symmetrical to the X-axis.

The most positive value is at the peak. This value is also called the amplitude peak. It is the farthest point of the magnetic signal from its zero point. In bioelectric medicine, the amplitude peak or wave intensity is measured in milliGauss, milliTesla or microTesla.

A magnetic wave that has alternating poles (for example, both positive and negative peaks or cycles) is called a bipolar wave. Magnetic waveforms can be manipulated by changing the electrical impulses responsible for creating the wave. This is usually done by computer control. When electrical voltage changes are combined, entire pulse packages can be generated to produce a desired biological effect. The most important parameters are the rise and fall times of the wave(s). According to Liboff, the therapeutic effect of an electromagnetic wave is highly dependent on the characteristic of how quickly the rise and fall times of a wave occur. Also, the signal characteristic should not be underestimated and is probably the most important component of the 4 parameters of an electromagnetic signal. An abrupt fall time represents a very high peak current value, which is responsible for the ionic shift in the body. The stronger the ionic shift, the more intense the biological effect. In contrast to a sine wave or a static magnet, the waveforms used in a modern magnetic resonance stimulation system generate a significantly higher electromotive force at the cell membrane, within the cells and in the body tissues. In summary, it is necessary to pay the most attention to the waveform of an electromagnetic field. One of the most effective waveforms is the so-called “sawtooth pulse” and the “rectangular pulse”. Both pulse shapes have rise and fall times that are much more abrupt than a conventional sine wave. Clinical users who have been working with pulsed electromagnetic fields for years already have a complete understanding of the important relationship between waveform and bioelectromagnetic interaction with the organism.

The best known waveform is the sawtooth waveform, first introduced by Bassett in 1974. Dr. Bassett observed that changes in an electromagnetic signal induce an electrical voltage in the treated tissue, most strongly when the signal changes abruptly, i.e., when the signal falls from the highest to the lowest value (fall time). The piezoelectric voltage induced in the bone tissue accelerated bone healing. As a result of Bassett’s work, this waveform was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1979 for the treatment of non-union fractures and as an aid in spinal fusion (spondylodesis).

Modern magnetic field therapy systems, such as the iMRS prime or Omnium1 systems, feature a whole-body applicator that generates a sawtooth pulse. This waveform is actually a mixture of several harmonic sine waves in the low frequency range. The sawtooth pulse of such a whole-body applicator should generate a carrier frequency range between 0.5 and 15 Hz because this is 100% within the so-called “biological window”. In contrast to simple sine waves or externally worn static magnets, the sawtooth pulse changes constantly and thus creates a continuous electromagnetic induction within the tissue, promoting ionic displacement and simultaneously preventing cell fatigue. In plain language, this means that the cell remains receptive (resonant) and the effects of electromagnetic stimulation continue to work for a long time, even beyond the period of immediate application. Research shows that the sawtooth waveform provides the most effective results in the application of magnetic resonance stimulation. The ratio of fast rise and fall time produces the maximum efficiency for effective cell stimulation. Therefore, especially in low-frequency electromagnetic wellness applications such as those performed with a state-of-the-art magnetic therapy system such as the iMRS prime system or the Omnium1 system, the signal shape should be considered even more important than the field intensity at which the signal is applied.